Kent County Council has launched a Consultation on its plans for schools for children with Special Needs.
Central Government has decreed that KCC has been spending too much on children with Special Education Needs and Disabilities and have offered to pay off some of the debt KCC's debit if KCC cuts its SEND Budget.
To achieve this KCC would:
- cut the number of children attending Special Schools and send them instead to mainstream schools;
- Increase the number of places at Special Resource Centres;
- change the classifications of some Kent Special Schools to a new set of admission criteria which may change the specific type of need for which they can provide appropriate teaching;
- cut the number of children who KCC send to private independent schools;
- reorganise how KCC plans for the future of SEND by grouping schools into geographic Locality Areas and requiring schools within these areas to make decisions on SEND services in their group.
To take part in the consultation, go here. The consultation ends on 31st July.