
Local sites listed in call for sites

Reference Description Area
59406 Teston Road, Barfield House, east of Aldon Lane Offham
59433 Gighill Green Larkfield
59436 Marlowe Road Green Larkfield
59437 Part of car park, Larkfield Leisure Centre Larkfield
59438 Green and play area, Abery Drive, Leybourne Park Larkfield
59447 Ryarsh Lane car park West Malling
59448 Green at Bradbourne Park Road East Malling
59449 Carnation Green Stepstile Estate East Malling
59450 The larger green at Bradbourne Park Road East Malling
59457 Martin Square car park Larkfield
59488 High Street car park, Tesco West Malling
59494 Green at the Lakes Larkfield
59594 St Leonards Street, Teston Road to Teston Tower West Malling
59596 Teston Road, field to north of 59406 Offham
59602 Northern End of the Crest, Kings Hill West Malling
59603 Entire Crest Site Kings Hill West Malling
59619 Appledene Farm, Norman Road West Malling
59620 Appledene Farm, Part of 59619 West Malling
59621 Appledene Farm (part) West Malling
59622 Small plot part of 59620 West Malling
59630 Extension of Amber Lane formerly part of Heath Farm East Malling
59631 Land east of Wateringbury Road opposite Heath Farm East Malling
59634 Hoath Wood East Malling
59636 Land at Stickens Lane East Malling
59645 Manor Farm (part of) West Malling
59648 Teston to west of Aldon Lane Offham
59649 Teston Field opposite Cherry Shop Offham
59658 Rear of London Road, nr Parkfoot Garage West Malling
59672 Rear of London Road, nr Parkfoot Garage West Malling
59673 Park House, Mill Street East Malling
59698 Land at Clare Lane East Malling
59699 Church Farm, Offham West Malling
59714 Manor Farm, Offham Road West Malling
59715 Land near Hilltop Farm None
59716 Offham Road to St Leonards Tower West Malling
59718 Land belonging to Larkfield Football Club but listed as "Fielding Drive" Larkfield
59726 Ivy Farm Land East Malling
59733 King Hill, opposite the Crest West Malling
59740 Broadwater Farm East Malling
59743 Winterfield Farm East Malling
59756 Land west of Forty Acres East Malling
59807 Gladman site, Eden Farm Lane West Malling
59814 Triangle of land fronting Ashton Way West Malling
59824 Land at Clare Lane/Mill Street East Malling
59844 Land west of site 59756 East Malling
59854 Triange of land between Lucks Hill and Station approach West Malling
59856 East Malling Research None
59860 Eden Farm (part) West Malling