
About eastmalling.net

Welcome to eastmalling.net, a website providing information and news for residents and visitors of East Malling in Kent. We will be continuously adding to the information on the site, so please have a look round, and if you don't find what you are looking for, come again soon, or let us know if there is anything that you would like us to add.

You can search the news archive and add your own comments to any news item. You can submit your local event for inclusion in our diary.

We are reviewing and updating our directory of local community organisations and services to make sure these are accurate and up to date. If you run a local voluntary/community organisation or service and would like a mention on the site, please let us know

eastmalling.net is a locally based independent project. We do not take advertising or commercial sponsorship of any kind, so the success of the project will depend on the continuing enthusiasm of its contributors and users, especially local people sending in information to us for publication.

Our strategy is one of gradual but continuous improvement, keeping cost and overhead to a minimum, to ensure that the site is sustainable indefinitely into the future without compromising our independence.

The site is built using free "open source" technology. If you would like to get involved, please let us know: if you have no experience of website development and maintenance but would like to learn, this could be your opportunity!

Contact us about anything to do with the site.