News and information for residents and visitors of East Malling, Kent, 26th March 2025
Ivy Farm Proposal referred to full council
The decision on the proposal for building 52 homes at the Ivy Farm site will be made at a meeting of the full council of Tonbridge and Malling BC on 8 April 2025. The majority of councillors on the Area 2 Planning Committee had voted against the proposal but the planning officer exercised powers to refer the matter to full council because of the risk that a refusal of permission would be followed by a successful legal appeal by the developer, and the risk of substantial costs to the council of this.
Residents, who have aleady made cogent representations against this development at the committee meetings can register to speak at the full council meeting by emailing by 5pm on 7 April
County Council Elections go ahead on 1 May
After uncertainty due to proposals for a unitary authority, elections to Kent County Council are going ahead after all on 1 May 2025.
To register for a postal vote, call 01732 876022 or go to the Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council website
Gladman proposal goes ahead
The proposal by Gladman to build 150 homes to the west of the village will now go ahead despite strong local objections at the Area 2 Planning Committee on 4th December 2024. Because of a mistake by TMBC in not sufficiently publicising the process, the consultation period was extended to 13 December.
Many residents attended the Planning Committee (Area 2) meeting and voiced strong objections citing imapct on narrow roads and harm to heritage assets, but the majority of councillors decided that these problems were outweighed by the need for more housing. A further application will now need to be made for approval of detailed plans.
This is the planning report.
Park and ride service introduced for Maidstone Hospital
A new free park and ride shuttle bus service has been introduced for Maidstone Hospital. Details and timetable are available here.
Maidstone BC opposes Bradbourne Scheme
Maidstone Borough Council planning committee has added its objections to the Bradbourne community village proposal, citing congestion on Hermitage Lane. Access points include two on Hermitage Lane, near Barming Station.
Cllr Stan Forecast said Maidstone needed “to send a clear message to both Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council and to the developer”. Tonbridge and Malling BC would stand to benefit from the Section 106 monies and the council tax generated by the new homes, but the pressure on infrastructure would fall on Maidstone.
Council leader Stuart Jeffery (Green) proposed Maidstone reject the application, and his motion was unanimously agreed.
The application could still be approved by Tonbridge and Malling council, which, as it is currently without an up-to-date Local Plan, is hampered in its ability to resist planning applications, despite clear local opposition expressed at public meetings in East Malling and Ditton.
Citizens Advice
Citizens' advice service runs East Malling Community Centre, every Tuesday between 10am and 12.30.

Coming soon...
17th May 2025Malling Repair Café
At East Malling Village Hall10th June 2025
VE Day Celebrations
12:00 to 16:00Kings Hill Community Centre
Free Entry
See the diary for more details of forthcoming events.